May 7, 2012

Art... haven't shown any in a while

I haven't posted much art on here in a while... and this blog has gotten a little heavy on my local municipal adventures. Here's some art from the past few months...

I never posted a final copy of this one...those who have a copy of the calendar, this month is coming up...

Here's a version of the comic book cover from Creepshow, for the packaging for the new toys from my buddy Brian at Shrunken Head Studios:

More to come...a lot of the things I've been working on for the past few months are still under wraps. I'll show more as I can...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fire Bad....unless we're trying to cook a turkey .... Friend Good, unless Friend isn't so good, is disappearing down the rabbit hole and needs to be remembered before he's gone...........